🐣 startup!


Well then.. let's go..

Hello world!



I recently decided to resurrect my old posts and to start writing about my current problems (and hopefully how to solve them ;-) ) and other tech stuff which got my interest.

But this time I don't want to have a fully fledged cms which needs a lot of care and attention from me.. I just want to write about things and don't have to care about the backend stuff.


Last year I came in touch with the awesome vue framework nuxt.js and the world of server side rendering (SSR) but also read a about the recently available "full-static" mode of nuxt. Because of this mode and the fact that I ever wanted to try tailwindcss I chose this current architecture of tost.dev.

Well then, here it is!

I try to collect my old posts from their grave and repost them here if I have some spare time.

There is still a bit missing here like nav, headings, search, comments and so on but I'm planning to implement it all in the next months, so stay tunes ;-)

SO.. WHY!?

Ah well... this is a good question! As most of the devs I also make my own notes when I try out new programming languages, frameworks or tech stuff and I keep them in private repositories. But if you learn new things on your own there may arise some problems which you can't solve and you get stuck.. I'm always really thankful if I find a clue or the whole solution of my problem at another post or gist of someone else. As developers we have to share this knowledge to help others with creative solutions and workarounds of bugs or just with some clarifications of a less optimal documentation.

And this blog is my contribution of sharing knowledge.