🙏Let there be comments🔮


Initially I wanted to implement comments directly after the release of the new blog. When I searched for a good solution for comments I read that the github discussions api was currently in beta and would be released soon.

Github Discussions

Back in january I was really excited to mess around with the api and graphql / apollo which I tried a few months earlier for an ecommerce poc and I liked it a lot. So I waited for the release until the end of february. But I had no free time in march to code on this blog and the time without a comment feature went on.


In april I decided to change the plan and just run with a solid and working github comments solution: utteranc.es.

I discovered utterances a while back in 2019 and really liked the simplicity of it. You should definitely try it out if you want an easy and working comments solution via github. I'm really happy with it now but the discussions api doesn't stop itching in a small corner of my brain, so eventually I will come back with an own comments solution later this year (or at least this decade.... or century.. 🙄)


Ok that's it!

I wanted the comments feature to get your feedback and what you think about my solutions. In the best case I can learn even better solutions or adjustments which make my code better. Let's see how its working out 😉